
Film Photography

I recently shot a story collaborating once again with my awesome teammates, Windy Chiu and Michelle Davis. I also had the opportunity to reunite with Shelby Love, a model whom I worked with a couple of years ago.

Here's a closeup from the session where I experimented with developing film by myself for the first time. 

I'm looking forward to blogging and sharing future images I develop!

Model: Shelbey Love (Next Models)

HMUA: Windy Chiu

Stylist: Michelle Davis

Red Pepper

Recently we shot an editorial titled "Red Pepper," an exclusive editorial for Design Scene. 

Instead of going for the traditional clean tan skin, this time I experimented with a more raw and organic look. In order to achieve that effect, I tweaked the skin colour to an almost ill-looking state, whereby I added a large amount of grain in the final processing stage. The complete story can be viewed in my gallery. 

Hope you all enjoy this story, and a big shout out to my awesome team mates!

Nadja (Elite Toronto)

Vanessa Garland (HMUA)

Michelle Davis (Stylist)